✌️ Hello, I'm

Rachel Torgerson

Front-end developer, based in California

Kos website screenshot

Kos App

I first dipped my toes into the coding world with SheCodes Basics. Throughout the three-week course I learned how coding works, the basics of HTML and CSS, and how to use developer tools to build a simple landing page. For my landing page project, I designed and developed a travel website titled “Kos”. Checkout my “Kos” landing page by clicking the button below.

Vanilla JS Weather App

The second SheCodes course (SheCodes Plus) focused on advanced HTML, CSS, responsive design, advanced JavaScript, APIs, and how to use GitHub to manage code. My final project was to design and develop a live weather search engine integrated with an API. Check out my weather app by clicking the button below.
Weather website screenshot
Ratatat Development Logo

Responsive Portfolio

The third SheCodes course (SheCodes Responsive) focused on learning how to make code fit for any device. The course focused on advanced Bootstrap (Navigation, Utility Classes, etc.), Flexbox, Multiple Page Hosting, and Media Queries. My final project was to develop a portfolio using responsive code. Check out my portfolio on a mobile device and then a desktop to compare the nuances.

React Weather App

The final SheCodes course (SheCodes React) focused on learning the fundamentals of the React framework. My final project was to rebuild my previously developed weather app in React. Check out my React weather app by clicking the button below.
Weather website screenshot